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CBSE Guidelines for Board Exam 2019-cbse mathematics

CBSE Guidelines for Board Exam 2019
Arrangement  At The Centre For AISSE/AISSCE  According  To The CBSE Guidelines for Board Exam 2019

CBSE Guidelines for Board Exam 2019
Important Abbreviations Used
AISSE:- All India Secondary School Examination ( Used for 10th Standard)
AISSCE:- All India Senior School Certificate Examination (Used for 10+2 Standard)
CS:- Centre Superintendent
AS :- Assistant Superintendent (or Invigilator)
DS :- Deputy Centre Superintendent  
AB:- Answer Books
UFM:- Unfair Means

CBSE Guidelines for Board Exam 2019
CBSE Guidelines For Time Management:-

     Receiving QP from the Bank--At Bank 9:30 am,  
     Reach the school - on or before  10:00am ,
Distribution of AS at 10:00 am , Distribution of QP 10:15 am, 10:30 Exam start, Collection and sealing of left QP 10:30am to 11:00 am, Collection of AB 1:30 pm,
Dispatch of AB 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

CBSE Guidelines For Bell Time

10am ----Long bell, no entry of the students after this
10:15 am---Single bell, Distribution of QP,  
10:30 am ----Long bell, Exam Start,     
11:30 am -----Single bell,    12:30 pm-----Single bell,    1:00 pm-----Single bell
1:20 pm ----Single bell, Closing the doors,  
1:30 pm-----Long bell, Exam Conclude
CBSE Guidelines for Board Exam 2019
A well protected room, A strong Almirah, Facsimile stamp, cello tape, gum, cloth, needle, thread, bag, pen/permanent marker, cctv cameras and other packing material for the Answer Books.
List of candidates:-  Name, Subject offered, total no. appearing in the subject.

Answer Books :-  
Class X --  Black ink text with red flying strips [32 pages] 
Class XII---Blue ink with yellow flying strip [32 pages]
Maths. ---- Green color with graph for class X and XII [48 pages]
CBSE Guidelines for Board Exam 2019
CBSE Guidelines For Seating Arrangement :-
24 students in each room and no. of students in each row should not be divisible by 3.

CBSE Guidelines For Opening of the parcel:-
At 10:00 am Centre Superintendent  open the parcel in the presence of observer, 4 AS from different schools. Then QPs are distributed to the AS in different classes. AS on duty open the packet of 24 QPs at 10:10 am in the front of two AS and two students from the same room(witness should be taken from the two students and two AS). At 10:15 am AS distribute the QP to the students.
CBSE Guidelines for Board Exam 2019
CBSE Guidelines For Packing and dispatching  [11.5]

·        ABs are packed in the count of 100 sheets/packet tied with the sutli separately Hindi and English medium written on the envelops.

·        All packs of ABs of one subject put in one packet and seal put on the sutli
·        This packet should be packed in cloth and then sealed, and then again packed in cloth and then dispatched.

·        ABs of class X and XII should be packed separately and ink used for address is as under:-  Class X---Red ink, Class XII---Blue Ink

·        For more than one packet, should be marked with 1/3, 2/3, 3/3, and Performa 66 should be placed in first packet.

·        For parcel other than ABs address should be written in bold letters with black ink. Also write (NOT FOR CSO) on the top of the parcel.

·        ABs of UFM cases be sent in separate envelops in the envelops provided by the board if not the follow appendix H.

·        Answer Books of course A, course B, core, elective are packed in separate bundles and sent in the same parcel.

CBSE Guidelines for Board Exam 2019
CBSE Guidelines For Paper dispatched along with the Answer Books

·        Statement showing Roll No. of candidates appeared/absent/UFM in each paper

·        Seating plan of each room—one placed inside the packet of AB, one along with the packet , and one preserved by the centre.

·        Seating plan of each room in a separate cover.

·        All opened parcel and packets along with surplus QP

·        Unopened QP packets

·        Sample impression of the seal [only in the first exam]

CBSE Guidelines for Board Exam 2019
CBSE Guidelines For Material sent to the Regional Office after whole examinations

·        Duplicate set of all seating plans

·        Attendance sheets arranged roll no. wise and counter signed by Centre Superintendent (Appendix G)

·        Certificates obtained from the AS that none of their near relative was taking the examination.

·        Consolidated list of casual absentees(not absent in all subjects) full absentees( absent in all subjects) and list of UFM.[Appendix E]

·        Account of ABs supplementary ABs, drawing sheets, graph papers etc. used
·        Unused ABs, SABs, DSs, GPs, and any other material.

·        Bill of centre charges [Appendix I]

·        List of candidates

·        All these documents are counter signed by Centre Superintendent.

CBSE Guidelines for Board Exam 2019
CBSE Guidelines For Instructions for the students and Assistance Superintendent

·        Do not write their name roll no. anywhere inside the AS , on graph and on maps.

·        Roll No should be written on the Supplementary AS.

·        Centre Superintendent and AS are authorized to check the students.

·        No person other than the authorized can enter the examination rooms . Clerk and peon can enter with the permission of Centre Superintendent.

·        In Computer exam --- Students should be asked to write programming language c++ or python in subject column along with subject of examination.

·        Stencils, logarithmic tables can be used in maths. physics and chemistry papers only.

·        S. No. of Answer Book should be written on the Attendance  sheet.

·        No stamp, no roll no., are required on the map and graph paper.

·        Candidate enter the examination centre after the physical examination.

·        In attendance sheet for the absent students , subject is encircled with red ink and in place of signature ABSENT is written with the red ink by AS.

·        Distribution of QP in ascending order of the roll no.

·               Students enter the examination centre from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. Students settled in the  examination hall from 9:45 am to 10:00 am.  No entry after 10:00 am is possible.

·        No candidate of different centre is allowed for the examination without prior permission from the controller of examination.

·        Assistant Superintendent  -- Check the QP code on OMR sheet, on seating arrangement and on attendance sheet.

·        All DS and AS reach the school at 9:15am

·        Certificate from the staff, no near relation is appearing is taken and sent to the board after whole examination.

·        All Mobile phones are kept by Centre Superintendent in the Almirah.
·        Answer Sheets are stitched only with the help of tags or white twins.

CBSE Guidelines for Board Exam 2019
CBSE Guidelines For  Centre Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent

·        Centre Superintendent should sign all attendance sheet .

·        After exam Centre Superintendent login OECMS portal and upload the following material.

Students Attendance Sheet,   Details of Unfair means,
Details of diabetic candidates, Details of bench mark disabilities,

Feedback on QP,   Status of packing  and delivery of AS.

·        Centre Superintendent present all the time at the centre till the dispatch of AS.
·        Centre Superintendent —A day before see all the seating arrangement , and seating plan.

·        Water arrangement , toilets, separate for boys and girls

·        Centre Superintendent -- A report of replaced QP should be sent to the regional officer separately.

·        No body will change the order of the question paper.

·        Centre Superintendent & Deputy Superintendent—Maintain a Daily record of answer sheets received, used, left is maintained and sent to the regional officer. 

·        Centre Superintendent --In special cases or in emergency, shall report his action immediately to the controller of examination, Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj—011-22515828   Or to the Regional officer  Shri Karnail Singh –0172-2585193, 2521531

·        City coordinator of  school is the custodian school for the additional AB required by the centre.
CBSE Guidelines for Board Exam 2019

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