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CBSE School Planning

CBSE Guidelines for School Planning

CBSE School Planning, CBSE School Examination System, Practical schedule, Internal grades for class 10+2, Internal Assessment for class 10th , Announcement of the results,  DAV school Report Card

Useful links 

Report Card DAV School Nawanshahr for upto class 9th  Click Here

CBSE new scheme of examination of maths for class 10th Click Here 

CBSE School Examination System and other plannings

New session will start from the month of April.

Examination System:-
Unit Test:- In a complete year students should go through three unit test. At the year end marks best two unit tests can be taken and are calculated out of 10 for internal assessment.

Marking :- Each unit test is of 20 marks

Duration :- Duration for each unit test is 1 hour and are in continuous order.

First Unit Test:- May

Second Unit Test:- August

Third Unit Test :- December

Terminal Examinations:- Students should face the following terminal examinations.

First Term Examination:- September (Half Yearly Examination)

Pre-Board Examination (For the students of 9th onword):- January.

Final Examination :- From 20th February 

Marking :- Marking is according to the final examination

Duration :- Duration of Each examination is 3 hours

Practicals for class 10+2:-
Board practicals are to be held from  20th January to 15th February. From this year Mathematics practical of 20 marks is also included.

Internal Assessment of 10th class :- 
Internal assessment is calculated for all the subjects. Maximum marks for internal assessment is 20 and these can be filled by the school online In the first week of March.


Calculation of results upto 10th standard

Internal Assessment(20 marks):-

This procedure followed only upto 10th standard.
It is to be assessed by the school (by class teacher and subject teachers)
Unit Test (Out of 10)+Note Books(Out of 5)+(Subject Enrichment(Out of 5)
Final Examination (out of 80):-
It is conducted at the end of the year and it is from the full syllabus
Final Result :-
Internal Assessment Marks + Marks obtained in the Final Examination
Passing Criteria:-
Students should obtained at least 33% marks in total (Internal Assessment + Final Examination)

Calculation of results 10+1 and 10+2 standard
Students should get at least passing marks in practical as well as in theory paper. Final result for each subjects calculated out of 100 marks

Announcement of the results of Board Classes:-
Last week of May or First week of June.

Announcement of result of other classes:-
After 20th March, New session will start:- In the first week of April

Subjects in RMB DAV Centenary Public School Nawanshahr

Subjects in Class X:- 
English Language and Literature (184),        
Punjabi (004), 
Mathematics Standard(041),       
Maths Basic (241)
Social Science(087),  
Hindi course A(002)

Standard Mathematics and Basic Mathematics
  • Cbse divided mathematics into two types: Standard Mathematics and Basic Mathematics.
  • Those students who wish to take Mathematics in their 10+1 and 10+2 classes, need to  study standard mathematics in class 10th. 
  • Students wish to take commerce, arts, medical without mathematics can study Basic Mathematics in their  10th standard. 
  • If a student study standard mathematics in class 10th then he/ she can go for all the streams ie Non-medical, Medical, Arts, Commerce, but if students who pass their 10th standard with basic mathematics can take any valid combination of subjects except mathematics. 
  • However CBSE introduce Applied Mathematics as an elective subject for such students who wish to study mathematics in 11th and 12th standard.
  • Syllabus for both types of subjects will be same.
  • Board has given the provision of different papers for Basic Mathematics and Standard Mathematics. 
  • Question paper for Basic Mathematics is little bit easy as compared to the standard mathematics paper.
  • Decision for standard and basic mathematics can be made by the students in the month of september during online submission of LOC.  

Skill Subjects:
1) Information Technology(IT),
2) Beauty and wellness, 
3) Banking, 
4) Artificial Intelligence

Subjects in Class 10+2:- 
English core(301),                      Mathematics(041),                            Physics(042),      Chemistry(043),                         Biology(044),                                     Accountancy(055),        Business Studies(054),               Economics(030),                               Pol- Science(028),  History(027),                              Hindi core(302),                              Physical Education(048), Computer Science(083),            Punjabi(004)                                    Geography
Applied Mathematics(241)

Skill Subjects:
1) Information Technology(IT),
2) Beauty and wellness, 
3) Banking, 
4) Artificial Intelligence

Skill Subject is the 6th subject taken by the students.If any student is fail in his main subject and is pass in his skill subject, then marks of main elective subjects will be replaced by skill subjects marks and the result will be declared as pass.

Subjects For Internal Grades in Class 10+2:-
1) Work Experience (500)
2) Physical And Health Education(502)
3) General Foundation Courses(503)

These are the grades which are filled by the school through online in the month of January.

Note:- Application for the Permission for the new and direct admission in X and XII standard can be accepted on or before September 7.

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