Unique Calendar Calculation of time difference in the Earth Year and calendar year leap yea, Gregorian calendar, how many days in a leap year, like the Gregorian calendar, calendar reform, Julian calendar, Gregorian vs. Julian calendar. Unique calendar is a calendar where we can find the day from any date from 1/1/1 to any future date. This calendar clear all the confusions related to the leap year. Main features of Unique Calendar It contains four plates, Table 1 Table 2, Table 3, Table 4 Table 1 is a calendar of 400 years. Table two contains month codes. Table three contains the dates. Table four contains days. It contains seven year ranges, These are the cycles of this calendar- Question : Name the year in which September month have only 19 days ? With this article we will provide you the answer to this question as well as the complete explanation to the fact behind it. Julian...