E- LESSON PLAN SUBJECT MATHEMATICS CLASS- 8 Lesson Plan for CBSE mathematics class 8 Algebraic Identities, Step by step teaching strategy for mathematics teachers. Perfect lesson plan which makes the teaching learning process perfect E-LESSON PLAN MATHEMATICS CLASS-VIII CHAPTER-7 ALGEBRAIC IDENTITIES NAME OF THE TEACHER DINESH KUMAR CLASS VIII CHAPTER 07 SUBJECT MATHEMATICS TOPIC ALGEBRAIC IDENTITIES DURATION : 15 Class Meetings PRE- REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE:- Students should have prior knowledge of variables, expressions, and equations. They should be familiar with basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Students should have a grasp of exponent notation and the concept of raising a number to a power. They should be familiar with the rules of exponents, such as multiplying and dividing exponents. Students should have experience simplifying algebraic expressions by combining like terms and performing basic operat...