E- LESSON PLAN SUBJECT MATHEMATICS CLASS- 8 Lesson Plan for CBSE mathematics class 8 Profit, Loss and Discount, Step by step teaching strategy for mathematics teachers. Perfect lesson plan which makes the teaching learning process perfect E-LESSON PLAN MATHEMATICS CLASS-VIII CHAPTER-3 PROFIT, LOSS & DISCOUNT NAME OF THE TEACHER DINESH KUMAR CLASS VIII CHAPTER 05 SUBJECT MATHEMATICS TOPIC PROFIT, LOSS & DISCOUNT DURATION : 10 Class Meetings PRE- REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE: Students should have a strong foundation in basic arithmetic operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They should be comfortable working with whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. Students should understand the concept of percentages and how to convert percentages to decimals and fractions. This will be crucial for calculating discounts and determining profit or loss percentages. A basic understanding of ratios will be helpful as some probl...